I was really happy that I thought that I was finally done with the bureaucracy of SGU, but is anyone else having trouble getting their "file closed". I finished my last rotation on April 26th and was told that my eval was sent that day (two weeks before May 10th graduation date) and I finally went in person to the second to last rotation's hospital to ensure that my eval for that rotation had been sent, but these last two grades aren't posted yet and my clinical coordinator says my file won't be closed until they're both received. I'm worried that it won't get accomplished until after the May 10th cutoff (even though both forms should've arrived by today at the latest). On top of that, another student that finished their last rotation the same day as me received a message from her clinical coordinator two weeks before her last rotation day and WAY before the last eval was even sent. I'm just stressing that if my file isn't closed by May 10th I'll miss the graduation date and I won't be ECFMG certified to begin residency in time. Anyone else having trouble?