Are you looking for housing accommodation for your study in Aruba? Here is what we can offer...
- One bedroom: $666.66 plus one month deposit. (1 person) (6 months contract)
This is an option for shared one bedroom if you come with your own roommate, $417.00 per person per month + 1 month deposit. (6 months contract)
All our prices are inclusive cable, water and electricity.
The rooms are provided with a kitchenette, air-conditioning, cable TV .
You could make use of our facility and pool.
You could exchange once a week for a free linen (bed sheet).
You can also browse using a google browser at for pictures of our long term apartments.
For more information, please email us at i n f o @ a r u b a b l u e v i l l a g e. c o m....(no spaces)
ABV Management
- One bedroom: $666.66 plus one month deposit. (1 person) (6 months contract)
This is an option for shared one bedroom if you come with your own roommate, $417.00 per person per month + 1 month deposit. (6 months contract)
All our prices are inclusive cable, water and electricity.
The rooms are provided with a kitchenette, air-conditioning, cable TV .
You could make use of our facility and pool.
You could exchange once a week for a free linen (bed sheet).
You can also browse using a google browser at for pictures of our long term apartments.
For more information, please email us at i n f o @ a r u b a b l u e v i l l a g e. c o m....(no spaces)
ABV Management