I was reading through First Aid and wanted to post a passage I found interesting along with my own thoughts.
Most states require that applicants have completed one, two, or three years of postgraduate training (residency) before they apply for Step 3 and permanent state licensure. The exceptions are the 13 state mentioned below, which allow IMGs to take Step 3 at the beginning of or even before residency. So if you dont fulfill the prerequisites to taking Step 3 in your state of choice, simply use the name of one of the 13 states in your Step 3 application. You can take the exam in any state you choose regardless of the state that you mentioned on your application. Once you pass Step 3, it will be recognized by all states.
The following states do not have postgraduate training as an eligibility requirement to apply for Step 3:
· Arkansas
· California
· Connecticut
· Florida
· Louisiana
· Maryland
· Nebraska
· New York
· South Dakota
· Texas
· Utah
· Washington
· West Virginia
As an IMG, I think it is imperative to remember that there are always backdoors and different ways of doing things. One of the first different ways I learned about is that Step 2 CK can be taken before Step 1 if your clinical experience is recent and you feel it would be advantageous to have your clinical knowledge fresh in your mind. First Aid then brought to my attention this newfound knowledge about Step 3. Hope it helps some of you!
Most states require that applicants have completed one, two, or three years of postgraduate training (residency) before they apply for Step 3 and permanent state licensure. The exceptions are the 13 state mentioned below, which allow IMGs to take Step 3 at the beginning of or even before residency. So if you dont fulfill the prerequisites to taking Step 3 in your state of choice, simply use the name of one of the 13 states in your Step 3 application. You can take the exam in any state you choose regardless of the state that you mentioned on your application. Once you pass Step 3, it will be recognized by all states.
The following states do not have postgraduate training as an eligibility requirement to apply for Step 3:
· Arkansas
· California
· Connecticut
· Florida
· Louisiana
· Maryland
· Nebraska
· New York
· South Dakota
· Texas
· Utah
· Washington
· West Virginia
As an IMG, I think it is imperative to remember that there are always backdoors and different ways of doing things. One of the first different ways I learned about is that Step 2 CK can be taken before Step 1 if your clinical experience is recent and you feel it would be advantageous to have your clinical knowledge fresh in your mind. First Aid then brought to my attention this newfound knowledge about Step 3. Hope it helps some of you!