Dear AUA admins and future students, I graduated from AUA in 5/2012. I am in my 2nd year of a very competitive residency. (1 of 40 US IMGs in the country to attain a residency in this specialty) I thought I left behind all the woes and disappointments that are AUA, however the school continues to haunt me. I just want everyone to know what they are getting in to. I took out BOLM loans that required me to pay interest on the first 2 disbursements while in deferment in school. What I did not know is that when I defer the loans in residency they require me to pay interest on all the loans. The interest ALONE is over $1,000 a month. I clear 3000 a month in residency salary after taxes. Subtract 1100 for rent, add utilities, car, food and misc expenses and guess what? I can't really survive and have needed to contact a bankruptcy lawyer because I am at the end of my rope. Meanwhile, all the U.S. grads (I am the only IMG) defer everything, they don't pay a cent. Medical school will be rough. Residency will be even harder. Don't torture yourself through residency. Go to a school that has U.S. loans. AUA is OK if you have cash... I guess. For the admins reading this, maybe you could shed some light as to why the BOLM referred to BAN HPL loans require interest payments on all loans in residency instead of just the 1st two disbursements. It makes surviving residency impossible. I will never consider going back to AUA and supporting it after all it has been putting me through. Just another log on the fire AUA.... thanks again.