USMLE step 1 tutor here, I have an extensive experience in tutoring step 1 with great success.
I give 100% personal attention to your study needs and deficiencies.
I can help you if:
You are struggling with the test and how to prepare.
You are just starting to study for usmle step 1 and don't know where to start and just need some guidance.
You want to learn the concepts and how to integrate.
You want to go through first aid page by page.
With questions and how to think like the test makers
Provide motivation to keep the momentum going.
If interested please contact prepcen at gmail dot com for free demo
Thanks for your attention.
USMLE step 1 tutor here, I have an extensive experience in tutoring step 1 with great success.
I give 100% personal attention to your study needs and deficiencies.
I can help you if:
You are struggling with the test and how to prepare.
You are just starting to study for usmle step 1 and don't know where to start and just need some guidance.
You want to learn the concepts and how to integrate.
You want to go through first aid page by page.
With questions and how to think like the test makers
Provide motivation to keep the momentum going.
If interested please contact prepcen at gmail dot com for free demo
Thanks for your attention.