Finished FA X5, UW online twice (65%-75%), Kplan (52%--1st 1/3, 62% 2nd 1/3, 72% last 1/3), NBME (#7 390, 3 months ago, #12 470 2months, #11 430 1 month, #13 530, 1week ) practise test yesteraday 78%.
1 week to go, goal as 230
Still feel not well with Neuroanatomy, anatomy, others are very well.
Please give advice or comments:
1, rush on the last week
2, extend one month
3, reapplication..
If 1 or 2 , please give comments in study plan
Thanks, and will report scores back.
1 week to go, goal as 230
Still feel not well with Neuroanatomy, anatomy, others are very well.
Please give advice or comments:
1, rush on the last week
2, extend one month
3, reapplication..
If 1 or 2 , please give comments in study plan
Thanks, and will report scores back.