For all the doctors in theMiddle East!
Now for the first time the Kaplan USMLEStep 1 preparation is available here. The USMLE Step 1 consists of over 200hours of high-yield lectures delivered by the most distinguished Faculty in theindustry plus 7 volumes of high-yield lecture notes. In addition, the Qbank hasover 3,000 questions, 2,200 Qbank questions, 1 diagnostic test, and 2 fullstimulated exams. Kaplan has beendedicated to helping medical students and doctors prepare for the USMLE forover 40 years and have remained the leader in USMLE preparation.
Schedule your free USMLE Step 1diagnostic exam - 3 hours in length with detailed feedback showing how you didoverall and on individual disciplines!
Now for the first time the Kaplan USMLEStep 1 preparation is available here. The USMLE Step 1 consists of over 200hours of high-yield lectures delivered by the most distinguished Faculty in theindustry plus 7 volumes of high-yield lecture notes. In addition, the Qbank hasover 3,000 questions, 2,200 Qbank questions, 1 diagnostic test, and 2 fullstimulated exams. Kaplan has beendedicated to helping medical students and doctors prepare for the USMLE forover 40 years and have remained the leader in USMLE preparation.
Schedule your free USMLE Step 1diagnostic exam - 3 hours in length with detailed feedback showing how you didoverall and on individual disciplines!