I'm currently a 3rd year finishing up my core rotations at the end of November. I'm interested in going into General Surgery at an university based program. At the moment, I'm trying to plan out my future pathway to secure this residency spot. I was hoping that somebody could give me the proper guidance regarding this.
Step 1: 229
Step 2 CK: At the end of this year
Step 2 CS: At the end of this year, or will take after finishing my 4th year electives ~ July '15.
I was thinking of doing my 4th year electives at well known GS institutions to get stellar LoRs from the PD &/or department chair. My school requires 30 weeks of 4th year electives, which equates to 7.5 months. I was thinking of doing seven GS electives at these various sites. I know these sites don't generally pick IMGs for their residency, but getting a LoR from the program should help, correct; or would I be shooting myself in the foot by doing this?
1. University of Chicago
2. University of Illinois, Chicago
3. Emory University
4. Atlanta Medical Center
5. National Institute of Health
6. University of Louisville
7. Maybe one more community program
Step 1: 229
Step 2 CK: At the end of this year
Step 2 CS: At the end of this year, or will take after finishing my 4th year electives ~ July '15.
I was thinking of doing my 4th year electives at well known GS institutions to get stellar LoRs from the PD &/or department chair. My school requires 30 weeks of 4th year electives, which equates to 7.5 months. I was thinking of doing seven GS electives at these various sites. I know these sites don't generally pick IMGs for their residency, but getting a LoR from the program should help, correct; or would I be shooting myself in the foot by doing this?
1. University of Chicago
2. University of Illinois, Chicago
3. Emory University
4. Atlanta Medical Center
5. National Institute of Health
6. University of Louisville
7. Maybe one more community program