Hi all, I was recently accepted to Ross September term a couple of weeks ago and had a few questions...
1: Where are 1st term classes held? I heard people saying they aren't in the annex anymore, is that true?
2: What would be a good apartment location based on where 1st term classes are held? I want to be as close as possible and have no issue with paying 1000+ per month if it means I have less than 5 minute walk to campus.
3: Is there no regular bus schedule? how do students normally do grocery...say in the middle of the day? Just hire a taxi?
4: What do you guys feel about the accelerated curriculum vs the 5 term curriculum? Has anyone wished they were in the 5 term 'standard' curriculum instead? or vice versa?
Sorry for all these questions, First term jitters:oops:
1: Where are 1st term classes held? I heard people saying they aren't in the annex anymore, is that true?
2: What would be a good apartment location based on where 1st term classes are held? I want to be as close as possible and have no issue with paying 1000+ per month if it means I have less than 5 minute walk to campus.
3: Is there no regular bus schedule? how do students normally do grocery...say in the middle of the day? Just hire a taxi?
4: What do you guys feel about the accelerated curriculum vs the 5 term curriculum? Has anyone wished they were in the 5 term 'standard' curriculum instead? or vice versa?
Sorry for all these questions, First term jitters:oops: