hello guys!
i am actually only a freshman who is just entering in bachelor of physical therapy
since i want to be guided from you guys how to become a doctor in united states. so as a pre med student, i am
visualizing myself to pursue into medicine later on. but one question comes to my mind. because i have just
settled down my pre med student life in UERM which is located in the Philippines. but since i am not a filipino
citizen and either i am not a filipino american.. so definitely i am really a foreign student that's why i really want
to know if there's way to come true my dream.
please help me!!!
thank you very much :)
i am actually only a freshman who is just entering in bachelor of physical therapy
since i want to be guided from you guys how to become a doctor in united states. so as a pre med student, i am
visualizing myself to pursue into medicine later on. but one question comes to my mind. because i have just
settled down my pre med student life in UERM which is located in the Philippines. but since i am not a filipino
citizen and either i am not a filipino american.. so definitely i am really a foreign student that's why i really want
to know if there's way to come true my dream.
please help me!!!
thank you very much :)