Hello Everybody !
I am igor and actually i am studying the serious possibility to study medicine in SLOVAK.
I am considering deeply the possibility to study in Russia too.
But i wish reviews ( several reviews ...) from students that lives there ( citizens and non-citizens).
Teachers are nice with their students? Are they teaching with a good quality ?
What is your general (AND critical) review of the course offered by Slovak universities ?
If the person decides to rent a small apartament to live... should be easy to rent something cheap ?
Universities in Czech Republic are really rigid and difficult... maybe more hard that a Slovak university ( i guess ... ?)
thx! igor
I am igor and actually i am studying the serious possibility to study medicine in SLOVAK.
I am considering deeply the possibility to study in Russia too.
But i wish reviews ( several reviews ...) from students that lives there ( citizens and non-citizens).
Teachers are nice with their students? Are they teaching with a good quality ?
What is your general (AND critical) review of the course offered by Slovak universities ?
If the person decides to rent a small apartament to live... should be easy to rent something cheap ?
Universities in Czech Republic are really rigid and difficult... maybe more hard that a Slovak university ( i guess ... ?)
thx! igor