Hi. I am from Bangladesh and my family and I are expected to receive the US resident visa by the end of 2017 and hence would become green card holders. My uncle is an US citiizen so he applied for us. But I want to study medicine and USA would be a bit too tough for me in terms of fees. So I would like to complete my MBBS from either China or Malaysia and then apply for USMLE and hope to practice in the US. I just want to know about the detailed steps which I need to take in order to successfully pass the USMLE after my MBBS. I have a few queries :
1. Can I apply for USMLE immediately after completing my MBBS or are there any pre requisites?
2. How do I complete the first 2 steps of USMLE? Some detailed information about these two steps would be really helpful.
3. How do I become eligible to sit for USMLE?
4. Some detailed information about being eligible for step 3 given that I complete my MBBS from Asia and then go to USA.
5. After I finish my MBBS, approximately how long would it take for me to complete USMLE, gain ECFMG CERTIFICATION and enter a residency program?
6. How do I know which Universities are accredited by the US or are AOA certified?
I just want a guideline or a map which would tell me what would I need to do to practice in the US after getting a MBBS degree from ASIA from an US accredited Medical school and also how long would it take me to get into a residency program.
Thank you
1. Can I apply for USMLE immediately after completing my MBBS or are there any pre requisites?
2. How do I complete the first 2 steps of USMLE? Some detailed information about these two steps would be really helpful.
3. How do I become eligible to sit for USMLE?
4. Some detailed information about being eligible for step 3 given that I complete my MBBS from Asia and then go to USA.
5. After I finish my MBBS, approximately how long would it take for me to complete USMLE, gain ECFMG CERTIFICATION and enter a residency program?
6. How do I know which Universities are accredited by the US or are AOA certified?
I just want a guideline or a map which would tell me what would I need to do to practice in the US after getting a MBBS degree from ASIA from an US accredited Medical school and also how long would it take me to get into a residency program.
Thank you