Notifications that can't be opened
I received a Notification about a post by Doc, but when I select it, I am directed to a page that I don't have the privileges to view. Is this a fluke, and I wasn't supposed to see the Notification?
View Articleafter MBBS in russia ?????????
i have a oue .. can some can help pls .. i am a indian i finish my medical 6 yr course in russia after that what all country a open form me to PG or WORK ?? except)(india & russia)?? any option is...
View ArticleNeed Roommate on island starting May semester
Hello Everyone, i am looking for roommate or if someone is looking for roommate let me know. I will be starting in May . Thanks
View ArticleLooking for 1 bedroom apartment close to ICB (cat friendly) June-July
Hi, I am looking for a 1 bedroom apartment for me and my 2 cats close to the ICB campus (walking distance would be perfect) and grocery store/pet store. I will try to be in GDL around May/June to...
View ArticleFailed first semester
I've read many times on this thread about how Ross fails out students on purpose and is not concerned about the students' success. This is definitely not true. For one, it is important for Ross to...
View ArticleDon't go to ovidius university
View ArticleHave any UK student gone into medicine via ?
They give students, who didn't get into medicine in the UK, the opportunity to study in Romania. I'm curious and just looking for confirmation that they're a legit company before I start my...
View Articlebaby/child items for sale
1. Chicco Keyfit 30 infant seat. 2500 MXN This is the best carseat on the market. It was used for 8 months and is now available in excellent condition. The top is removable for easy in/out access. It...
View ArticleCanadian students studying at PUMS - OSAP
Hi, my name is Patrycja and I'm from Canada. I'm currently studying Biology at Western University in London, ON. I received my 'recommendation for acceptance' a few weeks ago for the DDS program. I was...
View ArticleUSMLE Step 1 Prep Time
I was curious about the amount of time available to prep for Step 1. I'm starting in May 14 which means that I should be done the basic sciences by September 15. Would it be reasonable to assume I...
View ArticleSoap q's
During SOAP, Can you apply programs didn't match you initially? ( IF THEY STILL HAVE UNFILLED POSITIONS) Is it advisable to do so? And, after the first round of SOAP, IF, programs you apply did not...
View ArticleAny graduates or final year UK students graduating from the 4/6yr MD?
Hey guys, I wanted to know if there are any UK students who have either graduated or in their final year of the MD programme here, if so: What are the next steps that you're going to take right after...
View ArticleHousing for ones 5th year internship in the US.
Housing during ones internship year. Has anyone seen a list of recommended places to live and expected costs for each internship location that is available for UAG graduates "5 Year" . Share what you...
View ArticleAnguilla Roommate for Spring Semester May 2014
Hey guys, We are looking for a third roommate to live in our house. It's a ten minute walk from the university and definitely one of the nicer places we've seen. Please message me for details. The...
View ArticleGood News for IMG.. More Residency spots
Just in case some people missed it, in the new Gov budget, there is a proposed increase on residency by 13000 spots over the next 10yrs. This will mostly focus on primary care and will provide a good...
View ArticleUsmle Excel Prep - Score above 245
Dear Students, We, the USMLE (R) HELPER TEAM, are training candidates for more than Three Years to make them excel in Usmle (R). We are ECFMG Certified M.D Teachers, most are Pathologists, all having...
View ArticleUsmle Excel Prep - Score above 245
Dear Students, We, the USMLE (R) HELPER TEAM, are training candidates for more than Three Years to make them excel in Usmle (R). We are ECFMG Certified M.D Teachers, most are Pathologists, all having...
View ArticleNetworking on facebook
There is alot of information exchanged on facebook thru many Windsor clinical groups. It is an easy way to find out what is going on with the school and to get info about rotations. Also you can stay...
View ArticleRoss MAY 2014 class
Anyone applied for May 2014 and still haven't heard back??? still haven't heard back and worried about having enough time...
View ArticleOnline initial PA programs
Why aren't there any online PA program for initial certifications? I realize that I have missed the chance.. but come on. NP's can do pretty much their entire program online (except for clinical...
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