For Sale: Samsung Galaxy Note II N7100, BlackBerry Z10 Dev A
CONTACT DETAILS =============== Company Name: QUADE TECHNOLOGY LIMITED (QTL)® Registered No 05822950 Contact Person: OSLUF VALENTIN Skype: gadgetgallery1 ================ QUADE TECHNOLOGY LIMITED...
View ArticleFurnished ATLANTA Housing near DeKalb Medical , GA Regional Hospital
Furnished ATLANTA Housing near DeKalb Medical, Georgia Regional, Atlanta Medical. Since 2001, we have been providing furnished housing for interns, med students. Totally renovated house with rooms...
View ArticleGraco Pack n Play for sale
We are selling our used Graco pack n play portable crib. It's in great condition with all the accessories. It converts from a bassinet to a crib that can fit a child up to about two years old, I'd say....
View ArticlePed swap in Atlanta start from 6/17-7/27
I have been scheduled for ped rotation that starts from 6/17-7/27 in Atlanta Dekalb hospital, Im interesting on swap with any ped rotation that starts around same time in a New York hospital. Please pm...
View ArticleiPhone settings for email?
Does anyone know how to setup the iPhone (iOS 6) to check AUA email? Thanks.
View ArticleHouse for sale
HOME FOR SALE. All you have to do is bring your clothes and move in. Perfect for a family looking to move out closer to HAL or a fourth semester student who wants to move closer to HAL without dealing...
View ArticleOB Swap
I got my OB/GYN in RUMC for July/8th. If anyone would like to switch for a later date please let me know.
View ArticleQuick question
Hi, Is anyone in the May 2013 class from Calgary, AB? If so, would you be interested in meeting up somewhere and introduce ourselves? Thanks!
View ArticleImmuno Help
Hey, I don't know how to study for Immuno post-midterm. Pre-Midterm wasn't too bad as it's just cytokines and receptor ligands. I don't know what to study for post-midterms. For Neuro and Physio it...
View Articleimg friendly list online trustworthiness?
I'm applying for residency in IM and FM this upcoming match, there are more than 200 residencies out there for each specialty. I don't have the time and energy to look up each program on Freida. Can...
View Articlefamily kingsbrook 7/29
i have family medicine at kingsbrook 7/29 - 9/6 anybody have ob around this time anywhere and want to switch?
View Articlemost important factors for getting residency & best IMG schools?
Looking to practice in North America. Have Canadian citizenship, and will take loans to cover expenses. Don't really care if government loans are approved or not (obviously the fact that the school is...
View ArticleMD not accepted by UK's GMC. Impending lawsuit against SMU. Looking for...
I graduated a couple of years ago from SMU and have been fighting to enter the GMC's Foundation Programme ever since. The problem that the GMC has with my MD from SMU is that more than 50% of my...
View Articleob/gyn wyckoff 9/9/13
anyone want ob/gyn at wyckoff 9/9/13 for ob anywhere else the world ...besides brooklyn .
View Articlecuba educated profs at SGU
was looking through the academic qualifications of the instructors at SGU, and I noticed that there were a lot of totally north-american-sounding names, but educated in cuba. did they have trouble...
View ArticleJagiellonian (6-yr) vs Charles First Faculty
Hello everyone! Which of these 2 do you think would provide a better chance of matching in the US, and if possible, why? Also, at Jag, are you required to use any Polish material (I ask this because...
View Article2 bedroom, 1 bath room for rent from May to December ONLY (Anguilla)
Hi and Welcome to Anguilla. Available for rent in quiet village of Little Harbour, Anguilla - MAY TO DECEMBER ONLY - TWO, 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom apartments, fully furnished. US$750.00 per month includes...
View ArticleJagiellonian vs University of the West Indies
Hello fellow ValueMD members. Which of the following universities, in your opinion, do you believe would provide a better chance at matching in the US for a residency position: Jagiellonian University...
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