Poznan University of Medical Sciences - 5 DDS Acceptance Letters
I applied for the 5 year DDS program this year, had the interview in January in NY, and was recommended for the program. I was told that it will take 6-8 weeks for my acceptance letter to arrive, but...
View Articlekaplan lecture notes?
iam looking for all kaplan lecture notes for usmle step 1, post here or Pm if you are Selling please! :!:
View ArticleDesk And Bookshelf... Priced to move
Desk ... 750 MXP Bookshelf... 500 MXP or make a reasonable offer jeffery <dot> fabian At GMAIL Attached Thumbnails  Â
View ArticleWanted: BookCase
Wanted: BookCase 5 feet or 6 feet (wide) x 6 feet wall) wood (not partical board) A quality metal rack of the same size would work. Looking for something 6/2 until 6/8. post what you have ! thank you
View ArticleWanted: Ceiling Fans
Wanted: Ceiling Fans. One of mine has a shirt and I need anither or several that match. This is a chance to sell yours. Let me kow what you have. As a studnt I cannot afford new ones !
View ArticleUniversidad Europea de Madrid - Open day on the 8th of June
Dear All, I inform you that on the 8th of June, there's an open day at the Universidad Europea de Madrid in Spain from 9am to 2pm. They offer programs of dentistry and physical therapy in full English....
View ArticleUniversidad Europea de Madrid - Open Day on the 8th of June
Dear All, I inform you that on the 8th of June, there's an open day at the Universidad Europea de Madrid in Spain from 9am to 2pm. They offer programs of dentistry and physical therapy in full English....
View ArticleUniversidad Europea de Madrid - Open Day on the 8th of June
Dear All, I inform you that on the 8th of June, there's an open day at the Universidad Europea de Madrid in Spain from 9am to 2pm. They offer programs of dentistry and physical therapy in full English....
View ArticleUniversidad Europea de Madrid - Open Day on the 8th of June
Dear All, I inform you that on the 8th of June, there's an open day at the Universidad Europea de Madrid in Spain from 9am to 2pm. They offer programs of dentistry and physical therapy in full English....
View ArticleUniversidad Europea de Madrid - Open day on the 8th of June
Dear all, I inform you that this Saturday 8th of June, from 9am to 2pm, the Universidad Europea de Madrid has an Open Day. They offer the best dentistry program in Spain and it's available in 100%...
View ArticleUniversidad Europea de Madrid - Open Day on the 8th of June
Dear All, I inform you that on the 8th of June, there's an open day at the Universidad Europea de Madrid in Spain from 9am to 2pm. They offer programs of dentistry and physical therapy in full English....
View ArticleUniversidad Europea de Madrid - Open Day on the 8th of June
Dear All, I inform you that on the 8th of June, there's an open day at the Universidad Europea de Madrid in Spain from 9am to 2pm. They offer programs of dentistry and physical therapy in full English....
View ArticleUniversidad Europea de Madrid - Open day on the 8th of June
Dear All, I inform you that on the 8th of June, there's an open day at the Universidad Europea de Madrid in Spain from 9am to 2pm. They offer programs of dentistry and physical therapy in full English....
View ArticleWant to switch from Wycoff to Dekalb for peds starting july 29th?
Pls contact me if you are interested in switching peds from Wyckoff to dekalb starting july 29th.
View ArticleAppliances, car, furniture for sale!
Selling Dodge Neon, fridge, sofas, coffee tables, toaster, microwave, and more, all at negotiable prices. PM me if interested to give you my phone number.
View Article1999 Saturn
2500 USD or best offer 1999 Saturn 4-door LS2 series. Texas plates/132,000 miles/Manual transmission/Leather seats/AC and heat/CD and MP3 connection Send me a message for more info and to see it in...
View ArticleMagic Jack for 5 dollars
Magic Jack for 10 dollars... pick up now ready to use!!! its the one you connect to your computer magicJack Katrinasabates@ yahoo.com
View ArticleWant a USMLE STEP 1 tutor?
Email me if you are interested in being tutored for Step 1. I focus on doing practice questions using UWORLD qbank and helping students understand the material better. I will help work on your...
View ArticleOpen house sale!!! All day 6/4/2013
Please email Katrinasabates@ yahoo.com Shoes scrubs hoses curtains candles printer buckets just small stuff!!! practically givin it away
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