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View ArticleMy chances
Hi there , I am new to the forum and have been searching for some info. I have a bachelors in biochemistry and have been working as a scribe for two years. I have taken some high level science courses...
View Articlechances
Hi there , I am new to the forum and have been searching for some info. I have a bachelors in biochemistry and have been working as a scribe for two years. I have taken some high level science courses...
View Articleleaving this Thursday 11/28...selling at great deals!!!
Hi guys, I am located in Col. Providencia and am trying to sell what I have so I can afford a Brooklyn rent come January! Here's what I have washer, dryer, hp printer, lexmark printer, exercise bike,...
View ArticleWhat are class hours like?
Can anybody give any insight on what class hours are like? 9-5? I apologize if that is on here already, because Im telling you I seriously searched. Thanks :D
View ArticleCA Disapproval and Greenbook for Residency
Hey guys ! I am from Canada and I am interested in practicing in Canada after doing residency in the US. From the perspective of residency only (not licensing), how important is CA disapproval ? Am I...
View ArticleHyundai Accent For Sale
Green 2005 Hyundai Accent is manual windows and lock. Radio, CD,AUX. The car has recently been service and is working in good condition. Selling price $4500. Email for more inquires
View ArticleHyundai Getz For Sale
2009 Hyundai Gets is power windows and lock. Radio, CD, AUX and is in good condition. Selling price $5500 email for more inquiries
View Articlevehicle for sale and leasting
Call or watsapp for information 12687224468 Attached Thumbnails  Â
View Articletransfer student
I am a transfer student.. I would like to know if taking the USMLE step 1 review course mandatory if I need to take the Step 1 exam. thank you...
View Articlefailed ck 3 times, low step 1 score, FMG/IMG, give up now?
Hello all, I failed ck - again - this was my third time and I got a 194 (pass is 203) my other important features : passed step 2 cs on first attempt, passed step 1 first attempt (low score : 177)....
View ArticleSkip a term
Can people skip a term if they test so high or take the completion exams for the following terms, like Doogie Howser?
View ArticleRepublican governors gauge possible heat from Medicaid
Republican governors gauge possible heat from Medicaid...
View ArticleIrish medical school's requirements
Hi I am applying through the Atlantic Bridge Program. I am doing my last year of high school in Canada. So far haven't even finished my 1st semester. the admission deadline is in December 2013, and we...
View ArticleQuestion about clinicals for incoming January 2014 student
Hey guys. So I'm an incoming student for the 2014 and I started looking some stuff up online. I always knew clinical spots in NYC would be there for 3rd and 4th year students more or less and that was...
View ArticleTransfer from MUA basic science to SABA?
Does anyone know anything about transfer from Med 1,2,3,4,5 Basic Science at MUA to SABA?
View ArticleTransfer from MUA basic science to SABA?
Did anyone transfer from MUA basic science to SABA? Or Does anyone know anything about it?
View ArticleAvalon January 2014
Anyone going to attend Avalon for basic sciences this upcoming semester? If you are, I would really appreciate the reason why you decided to attend. Was it the cost? Was it the residency placements?...
View ArticleUSMLE Step 1 Private Tutor in New York.
Hello, I am currently Private Tutoring for USMLE Step 1 in Queens, New York. I have good experience, as I am tutoring for the last 1 year. The ways I can help you: 1. Fine-tuning for the exam 2....
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