Washer Dryer Unit 7000pesos
Selling a great washer dryer unit 7,000 pesos stacked, takes up little space in great shape.
View ArticleMUA Loan problem
I would like to know what students do when they get rejected from a line of credit due to a low credit score? Im a canadian citizen and was wondering if any students are in the same boat as me? I know...
View ArticleFull house for rent near HAL. Amazing comfort and security. Great food nearby.
Fully furnished home for rent near HAL. This home was used by at least five generations of UAG students from the USA and Canada, but sadly all of us have graduated. We want the home to go to another...
View ArticleLooking for a CS female partner in MD
Hi All, Currently studying for CS and I am looking for a CS partner in MD. I live in the DC metro area. Contact via PM if you are interested.
View ArticleSelling treadmill at 1800 pesos or best offer
selling treadmill 1800 pesos or best offer, I'll throw in 3 sets of weights for free with it. Message me at carolinaservin at ymail dot com or call or mssg at 33 31402417 Attached Thumbnails   Â
View ArticleUJ students starting in September 2014 ask me anything!
I am currently a student at UJ who has just finished the first year of the 4 year MD program. I can answer any questions you may have regarding M1 of the 4 year MD program at UJ and share some of my...
View Articlemedical writing opportunity in place of moonlighting
Here is your opportunity to work for one of the leading medical test preparation companies in the country! Join a company founded by physicians who were driven by a desire to create the content they...
View ArticlePrivate House For Rent Near NUMC, Physician Owned, Beach, Dock, Tennis $2000
30 North Boulevard East Rockaway NY 2 bedroom one bathroom Perfect for couple with child Recently Renovated, Windows, Appliances Washer/Dryer Docking rights, 100ft from property. $10/foot for the whole...
View ArticlePerfect house in providencia
Room available in a lovely house in Providencia, right off of Montevideo (20 min walk to ICB). It is a three-bedroom house, you would be sharing the common areas with two girls, both UAG students. The...
View ArticleChance of getting into Ross...
Hello I just submitted the application to Ross with sgpa 3.27, ogpa 3.46, mcat 17. I know my mcat is horrible, but I have over 200 hrs of volunteer experiences at va hospital, over 100 hrs of...
View Articleuniversity of debrecen medicine
hi guys is anyone a 2nd or 3rd year student at debrecen medical school? Or has anyone ever transferred to Debrecen medical school? Please, I need to ask a few questions.:confused:
View Articlestudy partner for csevideo
hi guys I just the monthly package for csevideo and the fa book I was looking for a sp that is using this resources to study on msnmessenger or skype leave your email here thks
View Articlewhat kind of caribbean students with kind of scores get matched?
i suppose that most of them should have at least average scores in order to get matched the first time, right?
View ArticleChina Medical University, Shenyang or Tianjin Medical University or Hebei...
Hello Everyone, I am new to this forum but found it to be an excellent source of information about medical colleges and education around the world. I am an Indian school who and have passed my high...
View ArticleWill I be at least accepted for an interview?
Hello, I recently got my MCAT score which was pretty low a 17 (VR:4,PS:6,B:7) I kind of just studied for 2 months while working full time. I do have a 3.3 science GPA and a 3.03 overall. I work...
View ArticleWorking In Medical School ?
Hello all! I am planning to attend MUA in September 2014 as a first year basic sciences student. After looking at my tuition invoice, the cost of housing, and the cost of required text ..... it is...
View Articlepass rate for exit exam?
i was wondering what umhs's pass rate for the exit exam was? how many people actually take step 1? thanks
View ArticleStudent Life @ Avalon
Hello Avalon Students, I am from India and considering for enrolling into Medical school at Avalon. I am a little bit concerned and have few questions about the program and life style at Curacao. Could...
View ArticleCanadian Federal Student Loan Approval - AUA is a Designated Institution
AUA was just (June 3rd) approved for Canadian Federal Student Loans as a "designated institution." (Message me for the link to the list of designated institutions if you can't find it on CanLearn's...
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