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Step 2 CS workshop available in Chicago or online

Live Step 2 cs workshop with a small group of 4 students is available in Chicago. We also offer one on one, 3 or 5 days workshop, and mock exam.

100% passing rate, taught by ECFMG certified doctors. Preparation includes history taking, physical exam, and patient notes, and how to handle difficult patients. One you have be trained by one of our doctors we guarantee a passing score.

Free demo is available and students will get the opportunity to do one case with our doctors.
References from previous students are available upon request.

For more information call us on 3-1-2-8-8-3-8-5-5-5
Email us on info at ************** dot com

Step 1 workshop available in Chicago or online

Hurry! Only few spots left for upcoming August session! Free demo and first 3 days are free!
Step 1 & Step 2 CK live preparation available in Chicago, starting from the 3rd of August 2015.
100% pass rate.
Experienced M.D Instructor
Affordable course.
Use the great opportunity to view our live stream for Step 1 & Step 2 CK! You can also attend one of our live stream courses online from anywhere in the world! We also offer one-on-one sessions.
Register Now!!

For more information call us on 3-1-2-8-8-3-8-5-5-5
Email us on info at ************** dot com

Visit us on **************

Step 1 workshop available in Chicago or online

Hurry! Only few spots left for upcoming August session! Free demo and first 3 days are free!
Step 1 & Step 2 CK live preparation available in Chicago, starting from the 3rd of August 2015.
100% pass rate.
Experienced M.D Instructor
Affordable course.
Use the great opportunity to view our live stream for Step 1 & Step 2 CK! You can also attend one of our live stream courses online from anywhere in the world! We also offer one-on-one sessions.
Register Now!!

For more information call us on 3-1-2-8-8-3-8-5-5-5
Email us on info at ************** dot com

Step 1 workshop available in Chicago or online

Hurry! Only few spots left for upcoming August session! Free demo and first 3 days are free!
Step 1 & Step 2 CK live preparation available in Chicago, starting from the 3rd of August 2015.
100% pass rate.
Experienced M.D Instructor
Affordable course.
Use the great opportunity to view our live stream for Step 1 & Step 2 CK! You can also attend one of our live stream courses online from anywhere in the world! We also offer one-on-one sessions.
Register Now!!

For more information call us on 3-1-2-8-8-3-8-5-5-5
Email us on info at ************** dot com

Step 2 CK workshop available in Chicago or online

Hurry! Only few spots left for upcoming August session! Free demo and first 3 days are free!
Step 1 & Step 2 CK live preparation available in Chicago, starting from the 3rd of August 2015.
100% pass rate.
Experienced M.D Instructor
Affordable course.
Use the great opportunity to view our live stream for Step 1 & Step 2 CK! You can also attend one of our live stream courses online from anywhere in the world! We also offer one-on-one sessions.
Register Now!!

For more information call us on 3-1-2-8-8-3-8-5-5-5
Email us on info at ************** dot com

Step 2 CK workshop available in Chicago or online

Hurry! Only few spots left for upcoming August session! Free demo and first 3 days are free!
Step 1 & Step 2 CK live preparation available in Chicago, starting from the 3rd of August 2015.
100% pass rate.
Experienced M.D Instructor
Affordable course.
Use the great opportunity to view our live stream for Step 1 & Step 2 CK! You can also attend one of our live stream courses online from anywhere in the world! We also offer one-on-one sessions.
Register Now!!

For more information call us on 3-1-2-8-8-3-8-5-5-5
Email us on info at ************** dot com

Visit us on the website medicallegnds

Vendeurs de Cartes Clonés, Visa , Mastercards et billets de Train SNCF et IDTGV BUS

___________seller cvv good_____________


*********** Welcome to Shop ************

*When you contact me I need your trust , I only work with reliable buyers...

==> I'm seller cvv , CCN ,Dump Track 1 & track2 , Do WU Transferf , Wire Transferf ,Bank

Login !!!!!

Contact me:

- Yahoo ID : boss_sell_cvv

- ICQ : 669986610

- Skype : stevesjobs50

--------------------- YESCARDS et CARTE Cloné DIRECTEMENT UTILISABLE ------------------


Platinium visa - 200€ plafond 10000€

Platinium Visa - 450€ ----> plafond 20000€
Platinium Mastercard - 500€ ----> plafond 22500€

Platinium Visa - 600 ----> 27000€
Platinium Mastercard - 650 ---> 29000

Infinity Visa - 750€ ----> plafond 35000€
Infinity Mastercard - 850€ ----> plafond 45000€

Achat et Livraison Express
avec DHL ou UPS ou par la POSTE et meme FEDEX

_______________ Do WU transfer _____________________

- 700$ for MTCN 8000$
- 550$ for MTCN 6000$
- 300$ for MTCN 4000$
- 150$ for MTCN 1500$

_______ Bank Logins Prices US UK CA AU EU __________

1 . Balance > 5000 = 250$
2 . Balance > 10000 = 350$
3 . Balance > 15000 = 600$
4 . Balance > 20000 = 700$
5 . Balance > 27000 = 800$

Balance In Chase : 70K To 155K = 160$
Balance In Wachovia : 24K To 80K = 80$
Balance In Boa : 75K To 450K = 300$
Balance In Credit Union : Any Amount = 300$
Balance In Hallifax : ANY AMOUNT = 300$
Balance In Compass : ANY AMOUNT = 300$
Balance In Wellsfargo : ANY AMOUNT = 300$
Balance In Barclays : 80K To 100K = 400$
Balance In Abbey : 82K = 700$
Balance in Hsbc : 50K = 350$

=====>>> Ship shop all
Ship iphone : 4g 150$ per 1
Ship iphone : 3gs 100$ per 1
Ship ipad : 150$ per 1
Ship Laptop : Vaio 200$ per 1
Ship Laptop : Dell 150$ per 1
Ship Laptop : HP 100$ per 1

__________________ PayPal account ____________________

= Account Paypal 1500$ = 150$
= Account Paypal 2500$ = 200$
= Account Paypal 4000$ = 300$
= Account Paypal 7000$ = 500$

____________________ CCV !! CCN ______________________

List cc and my price..

- Us (Visa,Master) = 4$ per 1
- Us (Amex,Dis) = 5$ per 1
- Us Bin 10$ , US Dob 15$
- Us fullz info = 25$ per 1
- Uk (Visa,Master) = 8$ per 1
- Uk (Amex,Dis) = 10$ per 1
- Uk Bin 15$ , UK Dob 20$
- Uk fullz info = 30$ per 1
- Ca (Visa,Master) = 10$ per 1
- Ca (Amex,Dis) = 12$ per 1
- Ca Bin 15$ , CA Dob 20$
- Ca fullz info = 30$ per 1
- Au (Visa,Master) = 10$ per 1
- Au (Amex,Dis) = 15$ per 1
- Au Bin 17$ , AU Dob 20$
- Au fullz info = 30$ per 1
- Eu (Visa,Master) = 20$ per 1
- Eu (Amex,Dis) = 23$ per 1
- Eu Bin 25$ , AU Dob 30$
- Eu fullz info = 40$ per 1
- Italy = 20$ per 1 (fullz info = 35$)
- Spain = 20$ per 1 (fullz info = 35$)
- Denmark = 25$ per1 (fullz info = 35$)
- Sweden = 20$ per 1 (fullz info = 35$)
- France = 20$ per 1 (fullz info = 35$)
- Germany = 20$ per 1 (fullz info = 35$)
- Ireland = 20$ per 1 (fullz info = 35$)
- Mexico = 15$ per 1 (fullz info = 30$)
- Asia = 15$ per 1 (fullz info = 30$)

Contact me here :

- Yahoo ID : boss_sell_cvv

- ICQ : 554143381

- Skype : stevesjobs50

+5326100322395116 | 07 | 2012 | 866 | Veronica M Ashkenazy | 194 Arlozorov St. | Israel | CA

| 64923 | 972527028060 | United States

Tin Yee Lee | Apt 49 GFH, 270 Patricia Rd | Windsor | ON | N9B3B9 | CA | 4520340033466882 |

0313 | 075 10:11:26 16-06-2012
2243333|William Stringer|173 Mammoth Hall Trail|Scarborough|ON|M1B1P8|CA|4520010017519325|02

13|378 08:40:13 16-06-2012
2205242|Justin Greer|2471 Drummond Court|Kamloops|BC|V1S1T9|CA|4520340012025576|1012| 773

08:40:05 16-06-2012

+5342441013870797 | 07 | 2012 | 896 | jorgen wahlund | nordostpassagen 63 | Göteborg | – |

413 11 | 46313233906 |

Sample : Fresh FULZ INDIA

Number: 557664432400xxxx
EXP: 0316
CVV: 839
Name: Pankaj Kumar Neo
Country: INDIA
ZIP: 221010
City: Varanasi
Street: Flat no.15 siddarth
Phone: 054222227xx
DOB: 03/10/1981
SSN: none
MMN: Padama Devi Neot
Vbv1: 839
Vbv2: 1073

Sample : Fresh UK FULZ

Account Open In: LD
Online ID: rgunn1x
ATM or Check Card PIN: 001755
Passcode: eg15
---------------Credit/Debit Card and Other Accounts Details------------
CC Number: 4917541519978xxx
Exp Date: 05/2016
Cvv: 54x
CC PinNumber: eg1x
Account Number: 0520016xx
Routing Number: 365xxx
---------------Credit/Debit Card ---------------
Full Name: Ted Maclean
Address Line 1: 33 dorset house
Address Line 2: 4 kettering road
City: london
Zipcode: en3 6xa
Phone Number:+4470358425
E-mail: rg.gunn

DOB: 04-04-1953
MMN: pinkney
Driver's Liecence No: g50076xxxxxx
-------SiteKeyChallengec Questions-----

Sample Fresh US FULZ

Full Name : james gilmor
Date of Birth : Aug/28/xxxx
Mother's Maiden Name : gunderman
Social Security Number : 090/42/xxxx
Home Phone Number : 516-935-xxxx
Adress Line 1 : 125 cortland ave
Adress Line 2 :
City : hicksville
State : ny
Zip Code : 11801
Contry : United States

Debit or *is against our policy* number : 559460000069xxxx
Expiration date : 06 / 15
Card Verification Number : 991x
SecourCode : 748
Card Signature/PIN : 038x

First Name : Donna
Middle Name : L
Last Name : Buchanax
Spouse Name :
Father Name :
Billing Address : 9970C W. Royal Oak Rd.
City : Sun City
State : AZ
Zip Code : 85351
Country : US
Phone Number : 623-974-9422
*is against our policy* Information :
Card Type : Debit
*is against our policy* Number : 474488008092xxxx
Exp. Date : 3/March / 2016
Name On Card : Donna L. ********
Cvv2 : 822
Mother Maiden Name : Edwards
Social Security Number : 365420562
Birth Day : 23
Birth Month : 09
Birth Year : 1943
Account Information :
Password : luper123

Password: bigdawgdj1965
Confirm Password: bigdawgdj1965
First Name: donnie
Last Name: brown
Mother Maiden's Name: beverage
Driver's License: rn221951
SSN XXX: 277
SSN XX: 72
SSN XXXx: 9366
D.O.B MM: 08
D.O.B DD: 16
D.O.B YY: 1965
Country: US
Address 1: 263 chesterfield cir.
Address 2:
City: riverside
State: ohio
Zip: 45431
Phone: 937-776-8694
Bank Name: wright patt credit union
Account Number: 1900003578852
Routing Number: 242279408
CC Number: 4017-7780-1010-3943
Exp Month: 04
Exp Year: 2013
Cvv2: 085
Account Open In: XXXXXXXX
Online ID: rgunn1x
ATM or Check Card PIN: 001755
Passcode: eg15

_____________ Dumps track 1 track 2 with pin _____________

- Dumps,Tracks 1&2 Us = 90$ per 1
- Dumps,Tracks 1&2 Uk = 110$ per 1
- Dumps,Tracks 1&2 Ca = 120$ per 1
- Dumps,Tracks 1&2 Au = 120$ per 1
- Dumps,Tracks 1&2 Eu = 130$ per 1

MasterCard Standart, Visa Classic - $40
Visa Gold|Platinum|Corporate|Signature|Business ? $40
American Express - $30 ( WITHOUT SID )
Discover - $50

*CANADA:101 201
MasterCard, Visa Classic - $50
Visa Gold|Platinum|Corporate|Signature|Business ? $50

*EU:101 201
MasterCard, Visa Classic - $90
Visa Gold|Platinum|Corporate|Signature|Business ? $130
*Other countries:101 201MasterCard| Visa Classic - $70
Visa Gold|Platinum|Corporate|Signature|Business ? $100

*ASIA/AUSTRALIA/Exotic:101 , 201 , 121 and others
MasterCard| Visa Classic - $50
Visa Gold|Platinum|Corporate|Signature|Business ? $70

***** CCN US

| 371317844195007 | 09/2013 | Aaron | Yetter | 7657 NE 14th St | Medina | WA | 98039-3110 |

2067198493 | | ay1090 |

***** CCN UK[CCN LIVE] 5404405850224751 | 02/2013 | Adrian | Howell | Garth | Dorchester | |

Dt2 7rt | 07971596156 | steda1992 Checked By X-all.Cc
- CCN Mailpass USA UK AU CA
- I have more iTunes Gift Card
- Full Info ,Full Name, Address, Phone | SSN | DOB

Demo: Full Info
******* diehl | 7 | 12 | 1984 | 283825599 | headanichole3 | 7408047887 | 3323 massiville RD

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the conditions of sale.

- If u want test please buy one and then if the cvv is good u can buy more from me
- If u buy over 30, I will sell for u good price
- Cvv will be sent to you after receiving payment. Orders will be sent via e-mail or when

you want.
- I have a replacement policy for bad Cvv. All my cvv are inspected before sale

- I accept PM (Perfect money) or WU (western union) or BITCOIN ( BTC ) or UKASH

Contact me

- Yahoo ID : boss_sell_cvv

- ICQ : 669986610

- Skype : stevesjobs50

________( - Y!m: boss_sell_cvv )________


Looking for responsible, studious female roommate!

- Modern, upscale home with 4 BR, 3.5 Bath
- Washer and Dryer in house
- 2 car garage
- Security fence + Video monitoring
- Contemporary, spacious kitchen with all appliances
- Perfect location, one block from Terranova and 5 mins walking to ICB
** Option of having a FURNISHED bedroom (bed, desk, vanity: PM for details), seperate private half bath, spacious closet. Bedroom has its own sliding doors with access to patio.***
- Large tiled patio in back of house

-$3,500 MXN rent; utilities extra

- PM for more info and more pictures: lynxchick06athotmaildotcom

Looking for responsible, studious female roommate!-11110301_10205724908775817_34000681289232497_n.jpgLooking for responsible, studious female roommate!-11045288_10205724913015923_5587626662449838178_n.jpgLooking for responsible, studious female roommate!-11140392_10205724909575837_1250397776940751748_n.jpgLooking for responsible, studious female roommate!-11174948_10205724911255879_5798601139389946641_n.jpgLooking for responsible, studious female roommate!-11182269_10205724907335781_1419083715031114258_n.jpgLooking for responsible, studious female roommate!-image-1-.jpgLooking for responsible, studious female roommate!-image-4-.jpegLooking for responsible, studious female roommate!-image-7-.jpgLooking for responsible, studious female roommate!-image.jpgLooking for responsible, studious female roommate!-photo-1.jpgLooking for responsible, studious female roommate!-11037812_10205724912175902_5382663120714212509_n.jpg
Attached Thumbnails
Looking for responsible, studious female roommate!-11037812_10205724912175902_5382663120714212509_n.jpg   Looking for responsible, studious female roommate!-11045288_10205724913015923_5587626662449838178_n.jpg   Looking for responsible, studious female roommate!-11110301_10205724908775817_34000681289232497_n.jpg   Looking for responsible, studious female roommate!-11140392_10205724909575837_1250397776940751748_n.jpg   Looking for responsible, studious female roommate!-11174948_10205724911255879_5798601139389946641_n.jpg  

Looking for responsible, studious female roommate!-11182269_10205724907335781_1419083715031114258_n.jpg   Looking for responsible, studious female roommate!-image-1-.jpg   Looking for responsible, studious female roommate!-image-4-.jpeg   Looking for responsible, studious female roommate!-image-7-.jpg   Looking for responsible, studious female roommate!-image.jpg  

Looking for responsible, studious female roommate!-photo-1.jpg  

What are my chance get for September 2015 /interview experience

Dear ....
Congratulations! After reviewing your application the Admissions Committee at Medical University of the Americas (MUA) would like to offer you a telephone interview for the upcoming September 2015 semester. The next available appointment is....... To confirm this appointment please respond to this email with your preferred contact number.
Interviews are typically 30 minutes to one hour in length and will cover a variety of topics including your desire to become a physician, academic preparation for medical school, clinical experience and your knowledge of our program. This interview is your opportunity to introduce yourself to one or more Admission Committee members and have any of your questions answered in return. Once the interview is complete, you will receive the Admissions Committee decision within 3-5 days.
Thank you for considering MUA in your choice of medical schools. We look forward to hearing from you!

Hi guys,
I received this email from MUA and my interview is on Wednesday. I want to know does this email mean i will get into medical school or pre-med. i did all my per-requisite have my Bachelor and Master degree .
Also, i need help with telephone interview. What questions they ask? and how many people interview our the telephone? Hoping to hear some one

2BR/2Bath with OCEAN & POOL FRONT condo available for $2400 for 4 months only

Apply Now for Fall Semester 2015

JFK School of Medicine is now accepting applications for September 2015 semester. We encourage all eligible candidates to apply.

Minimum requirements for the Premedical program
- High School diploma

Minimum requirements for the Doctor of Medicine program
- 90 semester hours of undergraduate studies
- Preference to Baccalaureate or advanced degree from an accredited College or University
- 1 year of Biology or Zoology
- 1 year of General Chemistry
- 1 year of Organic Chemistry
- 1 year of Physics
- 1 semester of College Mathematics & English

Minimum requirements for transfer students from other accredited medical schools

- Submission of official transcripts
- Submission of USMLE scores if applicable

What is the next step?

Complete the online application for admission on the JFK University website

- Upload -
Transcripts if available
A copy of your government ID or Passport information
(1) 2 x 2 photo
2 letters of recommendations
Personal Essay

Pay a $90 non refundable application fee (online with application)

When accepted to JFK University School of Medicine you will need to obtain additional documents such as:

- Apostilled birth certificate
- Police clearance letter

You will be sent additional documents to complete for Curacao immigration.

*Campus housing and assistance is available*

Please contact the admissions office if you have any questions or need assistance with registering for the Fall semester.

1 888 481-9201

JFK University School of Medicine
Office of Admissions

MCAT Prep For Mac And iOS

Hey premeds,

Just wanted to share an interactive MCAT book with you.

mcat-mvp . com

Data base registered passports,drivers license,id card,visas,birth certificate

Apply for real register Passport ,Visa,Driving License,ID CARDS,marriage certificates,diplomas etc for sell Guaranteed 24 hour passport,citizenship,Id cards,driver license,diplomas,degrees,certificates service available. Tourist and business visa services available to residents of all 50 states and all nationalities Worldwide. are unique producers of Authentic High Quality passports, Real Genuine Data Base Registered and unregistered Passports and other Citizenship documents.I can guarantee you a new Identity starting from a clean new genuine Birth Certificate, ID card, Drivers License,Passports, Social security card with SSN, credit files, and credit cards, school diplomas, school degrees all in an entirely new name issued and registered in the government database system.. We use high quality equipment and materials to produce authentic and counterfeit documents.All secret features of real passports are carefully duplicated for our Registered and unregistered documents.we are unique producer of quality false and Real documents.We offer only original high-quality Registered and unregistered passports, driver´s licenses, ID cards, stamps, Visa, school Diplomas and other products for a number of countries like:USA, Australia, Belgium,Brazil, Canada, Italian,Finland, France, Germany, Israel, Mexico, Netherlands, South Africa,Spain, United Kingdom.


Contact us on==========================( johnteddywilson45 @hotmail.com )

General Support========================( johnteddywilson45 @hotmail.com )

call us on +23776170661 or +237654135440

Skype: john.teddy21

ID card
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Contact us on==========================( johnteddywilson45 @hotmail.com )

General Support========================( johnteddywilson45 @hotmail.com )

call us on +23776170661 or +237654135440

Skype: john.teddy21

Registered and unregistered passport of all countries.visas,biometric passport,degrees,drivers license,I.D cards.Training certificates M GCSE, A-levels, High School Diploma Certificates ,GMAT, MCAT, and LSAT Examination Certificates , Novelty Birth, Marriage, and Death Certificates , Novelty Passports and New Identity Packages , Replicated, Real Degrees/Diplomas from most post-secondary institutions from around the world (we have over 3000 templates on file) all designed to look 100% identical to the original.Custom Printing (if we do not already have the template on file – simply email us a copy and we can make any alterations/modifications as per
your directions).second, citizenship, identity, identification, documents, diplomatic,nationality, how to, where to, get, obtain, buy, purchase, make,build, a, passport, i.d,British, Honduras, UK, USA, us, u.s.,Canada, Canadian, foreign, visa, Swiss, card, ids, document


our contacts include ex private investigators, consulates, high ranking government personnel's and experienced seasoned experts, we have solid connections with higher personnel's on all areas of real register documents and passport change in these Countries who are linked to the passport agency in each of these countries and with the help of their connections, all our clients demanding any citizenship document or passport from any countries are 100% assured as well as guaranteed of receiving very high quality real genuine registered documents that can never be identified as fake!! Not even an expertise custom official or machine can ever dictate the document as fake since the document is no different from Real government issued! All our Real genuine data base Registered citizenship documents have your personal data registered in the data base system and 100% machine readable. Feel free to get the additional detailed information about our services. Sincerely hope to find a way to cooperate with you. If any of these products interest you, please feel free to contact us. We will give you our
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email: johnteddywilson45 @hotmail.com or you can call us on +237676170661 or +237654135440
Skype: john.teddy21

Resident Assisstant

i am currently in term 3 and i am looking into applying for RA position on campus for next year , i have had a rough year ( family problems) and am trying to save money anyway i can, and this seems to be a good option... i think?!

I just had a few questions about anyone who has held the position before
1) How much work does it involve? i will be in 5th term by then (If i manage to pass the beast Path)
2) What are the chances of getting the position and how do i get a leg up on others?
3) Why do they ask if you have a grenadian driving license , is there any actual driving involved?
4) Should also checkmark that i would be wiling to RA the undergrad dorms?

Any insight is much appreciated

Thank you

Resident Assistant

i am currently in term 3 and i am looking into applying for RA position on campus for next year , i have had a rough year ( family problems) and am trying to save money anyway i can, and this seems to be a good option... i think?!

I just had a few questions about anyone who has held the position before
1) How much work does it involve? i will be in 5th term by then (If i manage to pass the beast Path)
2) What are the chances of getting the position and how do i get a leg up on others?
3) Why do they ask if you have a grenadian driving license , is there any actual driving involved?
4) Should also checkmark that i would be wiling to RA the undergrad dorms?

Any insight is much appreciated

Thank you

pre-med students in szeged

hey guys I've just joined pre-med programe for the year 2015-16 for the university of szeged. so i just wanted to know a few students before i get there, if there are any premed students for this year it will be nice to know you :)

Prospective student questions

Hello all, My name is Marc and I am looking to attend the 4 year program in the near future. I want to open this thread up to allow all prospective students to communicate with each other.

I would like to kick of this thread with a question regarding the admission deadline that has just passed. Was this past deadline in June to start in the fall/ winter of this year? I would like to thank all respondents in advance and wish everyone the best of luck!

Benefits Of Chiropractic Care For Seniors

Chiropractic is one of the most effective and safest forms of treatment for pain due to spine related conditions in seniors. It helps in restoring the balance of the spine and releasing muscle tension. Some of the benefits:

  • Increases Coordination and Balance
  • Improve Mobility of Joints
  • Reduce Risks of Falls

ECFMG Exception Experience Any Success ?

Hi All, I need to know if anyone has good experience with getting ECFMG exception, or knows anyone who has got the exception from ECFMG ?

I am concerned from ECFMG transfer credit policy introduced in 2008, it requires transfer student to graduate within 7 years of initial date of transfer credits occurred from one IMED listed school to another IMED listed school. I am worried because by that time I will be graduate from my new school, I will be little late (around 8 years). I tried to call and write ECFMG, do not get a direct response so far, they mention that exception process is done on case by case basis where you have to present a reasonable case of why you are being late in graduation. I do have a very nervous feeling I do not know will I still have any chance or hope to complete ECFMG certification, as my Step 1 will expire in 2017.

Please advise ...

Where to get your PD kit

PD kit purchase:

1) medmogul . com
2) amazon - pd kit
3) ebay it

or buy from upper termers.
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