As we all know, USMLE step 1 is the most important exam you need to excel in order to get the desired residency. Its a very unique test that force future physician to not just memorizing facts, but understanding concepts and apply it in form of questions. The number of materials and concepts are so overwhelming.
Need not to be afraid, cause HY usmle tutor will guide you through..
Tutored by experienced, >270 scorers, we have been helping students for years to achieve>250 In their usmle step 1 exam with a very affordable price. ( starting from $70/h to be as low as $45/h depends on number of hours)
20 hours 1 on 1 intensive high yield integrated course for $70/h
30 hours 1 on 1 intensive high yield integrated course for $60/h
40 hours 1 on 1 extensive integrated course for $50/h
50 hours 1 on 1 course with practice questions for $45/h
Above price is negotiable based on the tutor preference
All sessions going to be held online through skype. (dont worry, any disconnection will not be charged!)
We also have free 1 hour trial before you start
Email us at hyusmletutor @
Need not to be afraid, cause HY usmle tutor will guide you through..
Tutored by experienced, >270 scorers, we have been helping students for years to achieve>250 In their usmle step 1 exam with a very affordable price. ( starting from $70/h to be as low as $45/h depends on number of hours)
20 hours 1 on 1 intensive high yield integrated course for $70/h
30 hours 1 on 1 intensive high yield integrated course for $60/h
40 hours 1 on 1 extensive integrated course for $50/h
50 hours 1 on 1 course with practice questions for $45/h
Above price is negotiable based on the tutor preference
All sessions going to be held online through skype. (dont worry, any disconnection will not be charged!)
We also have free 1 hour trial before you start
Email us at hyusmletutor @