high yield usmle tutor
As we all know, USMLE step 1 is the most important exam you need to excel in order to get the desired residency. ItÂ’s a very unique test that force future physician to not just memorizing facts, but...
View ArticleLOR advice for MS3
I have my LOR lined up easily, while rest of my classmates are struggling..... Here are my advice for people: 1) Create CV during your first rotation. 2) Treat every rotation like you want to match in...
View ArticleStep 2CS Advice
Haven't posted a while due to busy schedule.... In pediatrics rotation now... So have free time.. Gonna do some advice posts 1) First Aid Step 2CS.... Read it 2-3x, and memorize it!!!!!! 2)...
View ArticleInvitation to visit Grenada by the Dean for FREE
Hi all, I am applying to SGU for the August 2016 admission. I received an invitation earlier today from Bob Ryan, the senior associate dean of SGU saying that I am invited to visit Grenada and SGU will...
View ArticleIs China Medical University in Taiwan recognized by the Medical Board of...
Hey guys, It's kinda difficult to find any useful information about medical unis in China/Taiwan (English MBBS). Is China Medical University's English MBBS recognised in the state of california? I saw...
View ArticleCanadian student - % to GPA conversion
To the Canadians out there, anyone know how to convert a percentage grade to a GPA score? The Ontario undergraduate grading system via OMSAS indicates that a 75% is equivalent to a 3.0 GPA. Does that...
View ArticleArbor estates ,cupecoy studio available $850 water included
Fully furnished studio available august 31st,2015. Two blocks from AUC or 2 minutes walking. Air-co, fan, new mattress and kithchen with all appliances. Private balcony and speed internet conexion...
View ArticleI have finally passed Step 1!!!! Thank you *********
I have received some much guidance from this forum the past year, and now it is time for me to give back. First, I struggled with step 1, alot! I finished my basic sciences and I first needed to pass...
View ArticleIUHS - How Can I Help? (Potential Students) - kimberlyj@iuhs.edu
Hello potential students, I am a student ambassador, which means I support potential students by answering questions, calling, emailing and connecting you with admissions (if needed) I wanted to update...
View ArticleHow long does it take for AUA to reply?
Just wondering how long it would usually take for AUA to reply after they've received all your documents? Thank!
View ArticleFCVS application help
For those who have successfully completed the Federation Credentials Verification Service (FCVS), for State Medical Licensing: 1) Regarding the DATE of our degree issued, would that be our Graduation...
View ArticleDoes AUA have an exit exam as some of the other schools in the Caribbean?
Just wondering if this is a set standard for all the Caribbean schools. I may have already answered my question. Thanks for your answers though!
View ArticleWhich Philippine Medical Schools are worth considering if wanting to return...
Title pretty much says it all. I also understand that, correct me if im wrong, that you can only realistically take STEP1 after completing your 4 years of medical school in such a scenario. Not sure if...
View ArticleWhat if you fail foreign/Caribbean school?
I ask because there havent been too many threads on this. How do most people move on? I think its a good thing to consider a backup plan because no one can truly predict the future. If you are out of...
View ArticleFord Escape for Sale
Hi! I am selling my 2002 Ford Escape, recently brought from the States but legalized in Jalisco, so all the paperwork is in order. The car is in excellent shape, single owner, very well maintained with...
View ArticleUSMLErx Step 1 Qmax 50% off - Few Hours Left!!!
Only a few hours left! Step 1 Q max TYP - 149 PCSOMQMAX1 Expires tonight (8/11) at 11:59 EST
View ArticleFIU vs rest of AUA rotations???
How are the rotations at Kingsbrook/Wyckoff/Interfaith? Is it worth going to FIU even if its alot more expensive?
View ArticleBuy REAL/FAKE driving license,ids,(Skype:...
Buy driving license,ids, (Skype: kenhiner600)passports, diplomas,Citizenship,Work/Resident permit Sell driving license category A,B,C,D,E,T, school certificates, diplomas, lo + mature, identity cards,...
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